domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

What is Digital marketing?

Now a day the technology is one of the most fast growing factors, it has brought innumerable positive aspects to men, and internet is one of those technological advances, internet has influenced and change our perception of the world, and of course the marketing techniques and strategies had to adapt in order to survive. Despite the fact that we keep the traditional marketing forces, we now use different mediums to reach the costumer. Marketing is everywhere and it also needed to be in the digital world, where most of the consumers are likely to be in and where the medium gives plenty of opportunities to develop the strategies, for example in the digital world the element of time does not exists, the web works 24/7 therefore the strategies are always been reached by someone, another advantage opportunity is the fact that marketers can personalized the products, these advantages are not present when it comes to traditional marketing.

Digital marketing is a very important and useful element in the marketing field. It is basically the transfer of all the traditional marketing characteristics into the digital channels such as, search engines, online partner affiliates, e-mail, mobiles, viral and electronic word of mouth, social networks, among others. Digital marketing is all about creating value, encouraging relationships, conversations and influence consumers. However the way of creating value on the digital world has to be more innovative and creative than in the traditional one

In this field the attention of the costumer is the most wanted and pursued factor.