domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

What is Digital marketing?

Now a day the technology is one of the most fast growing factors, it has brought innumerable positive aspects to men, and internet is one of those technological advances, internet has influenced and change our perception of the world, and of course the marketing techniques and strategies had to adapt in order to survive. Despite the fact that we keep the traditional marketing forces, we now use different mediums to reach the costumer. Marketing is everywhere and it also needed to be in the digital world, where most of the consumers are likely to be in and where the medium gives plenty of opportunities to develop the strategies, for example in the digital world the element of time does not exists, the web works 24/7 therefore the strategies are always been reached by someone, another advantage opportunity is the fact that marketers can personalized the products, these advantages are not present when it comes to traditional marketing.

Digital marketing is a very important and useful element in the marketing field. It is basically the transfer of all the traditional marketing characteristics into the digital channels such as, search engines, online partner affiliates, e-mail, mobiles, viral and electronic word of mouth, social networks, among others. Digital marketing is all about creating value, encouraging relationships, conversations and influence consumers. However the way of creating value on the digital world has to be more innovative and creative than in the traditional one

In this field the attention of the costumer is the most wanted and pursued factor.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Advertising vs Film/Performance Arts

Comparing the advertising industry with the film/performance arts industry is a very interesting thing to do. I worked together with Claudia Jimenez in order to share and obtain information about this amazing industry.
The performing arts are so strongly related to the advertising industry that it makes it harder to think of them in a separated way. So to make it easier I organized them in a comparative list.

Performing arts Industry:
• Artists work in ads
• Artists promote themselves trough advertisements
• Artists can become "the faces" of a brand thanks to advertisements.

Advertising Industry:
• Uses films and actors to promote their
clients products.
• Artists are use as advertisement devices.

These two industries complement each other in a very efficient way. They both need from each other to achieve their goals in a more proficient way. As actors need to promote themselves, the advertising industry also needs actors to promote their clients products. This is a very competent way of doing advertising.
As they are both really important and strongly related I could not find any relevant difference besides the obvious ones like the way they work or the fact that they are different industries.
These two industries have a lot in common and of course convergence plays an important role in here.
Convergence is and it will keep affecting these creative industries. Movies for example will have an even higher technology and as a consequence of this, advertisements will have to find the way of keeping it up with the film industry. The ads will have to change to be displayed with that technology. But this is nothing new, we are already experiencing this. A great example could be the 3D movies, which were not that common a couple of years ago, but now they seem to be the new trend and it is amazing.
Convergence will keep on bringing continuous improvement to every industry. No industry would like to stay behind the new trends. The world is continuously evolving therefore industries must too.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Advertising PRO convergence:

Human beings and everything that surrounds him has evolved as well as advertising.
Advertising has not waste time on this. The advertising industry has been changing due to the convergence. This industry had to follow the new trends in order to maintain their business. So when we think about convergence it is inevitable to talk about the most influenced industry, advertising.
The advertising industry has been victim of convergence through the time, since the evolution of media this industry had to change and adapt to new media forms in order to achieve their goal.
It has gone to only printed ads to online and personalized ads. Nowadays we live surrounded by ads. But this not necessarily means that the old ways of adverts will disappear. We will still count with printed ads for example. Like energy, the old ways of advertising won’t disappear, rather they will be transformed. Yet even the most advance way of advertising still has the basic and primitive elements.
But when talking about convergence questions like: will convergence make creative industries more or less diverse? Might come up. Well in my particular opinion I do not think that convergence has anything to do with diversity or segregation. The first responsible of segregation are the conglomerates, not change.
Changing and evolving only leads to good and more efficient ways for this industry.
Convergence is an inevitable factor in our lives and society and as a powerful industry it has to adapt to any new media form in order to have a profitable industry.

viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

Some Advertising Conglomerates

According to the business dictionary a conglomerate is a corporation consisting of several companies in different businesses. In simpler words, conglomerates are big companies which bought others related to their field.
These companies created huge empires and integrated information, culture and entertainment, transforming these in a new form of merchandize.
Before, the advertising industry followed a classic process based on three elements: the client, the advertising company and the medium. All of these were unified by conglomerates. Now every advertising company work together with a marketing company, TV channel, among others. This of course creates more benefits and profits to the owner company because they do not need to hire or pay for other services. In other words this is the perfect way of making profit and minimizing expenses. Every company they need in order to achieve an advertisement, for example, is owned by them.
This also minimizes the competition between companies which also reduces the market and does not leave place for diversity.
All of these factors might seem very positive and productive, the truth is that they are; but only for the companies, society does not benefit from this. It is not safe to have everything unified because it will only lead us to the same ideology and it will restrict our freedom of choice. The important thing is not the number of companies that exists, but the diversity of sources and owners.

Omnicom Group is a strategic holding company whose agencies provide services in: advertising, customer relationship management (CRM), strategic media planning and buying, digital and interactive marketing, direct and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications. Omnicom’s agency networks include BBDO, DDB Worldwide, TBWA Worldwide, Diversified Agency Services (DAS) and Omnicom Media Group (OMG). Omnicom's public relations, CRM and specialty communications agency holdings are managed by its DAS network. Interpublic Publicis is one of the world’s premier advertising and marketing services companies. The agency brands deliver custom marketing solutions to many of the world’s largest advertisers. We cover the range of marketing disciplines and specialties, from public relations and consumer advertising, to mobile and search engine marketing.

WPP is a company that works in marketing strategies, advertising, every form of marketing communication and in monitoring progress. It is based in London, United Kingdom, is the world's largest communications services group in terms of revenue ,and one of the big six advertising holding companies

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

The advertising Guru

David Ogilvy

David Mackenzie Ogilvy was born in West Horsley, England, on June 23, 1911.
He was educated at Fettes College in Edinburgh and at Christ Church, Oxford (although he didn't graduate).
After Oxford, Ogilvy went to Paris, he worked in the kitchen of the Hotel Majestic where he learned discipline, management - and when to move on: "If I stayed at the Majestic I would have faced years of slave wages, fiendish pressure, and perpetual exhaustion." He returned to England to sell cooking stoves, door-to-door.
Ogilvy's career with Aga Cookers was astonishing. He sold stoves to nuns, drunkards, and everyone in between. In 1935 he wrote a guide for Aga salesmen (Fortune magazine called it "probably the best sales manual ever written"). Among its suggestions, "The more prospects you talk to, the more sales you expose yourself to, the more orders you will get. But never mistake quantity of calls for quality of salesmanship."
But his dreams took him some where else, so in 1948, he founded the New York-based ad agency Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather (which eventually became Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide), with the financial backing of London agency Mather & Crowther. He had never written an advertisement in his life.
Ogilvy visualized himself in the advertising field no matter if he had or not previous knowledge or trainning.
Thirty-three years later, he sent the following memo to one of his partners:
Will Any Agency Hire This Man?
He is 38, and unemployed. He dropped out of college.
He has been a cook, a salesman, a diplomatist and a farmer.
He knows nothing about marketing and had never written any copy.
He professes to be interested in advertising as a career (at the age of 38!) and is ready to go to work for $5,000 a year.
I doubt if any American agency will hire him.
However, a London agency did hire him. Three years later his passion and his edgy attitude lead him to become the most famous copywriter in the world, and in due course built the tenth biggest agency in the world.

Building an advertising empire:
In his agency's first twenty years, Ogilvy won assignments from Lever Brothers, General Foods and American Express. Shell gave him their entire account in North America. Sears hired him for their first national advertising campaign.

"I doubt whether any copywriter has ever had so many winners in such a short period of time," he wrote in his autobiography. "They made Ogilvy & Mather so hot that getting clients was like shooting fish in a barrel."

In 1965, Ogilvy merged the agency with Mather & Crowther, his London backers, to form a new international company. One year later the company went public - one of the first advertising firms to do so. Soon Ogilvy & Mather had expanded around the world and was firmly in place as one of the top agencies in all regions.

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

Order, Order!

We are all aware of the importance that advertising has acquired in our society. To start, advertising represents the engine of the market which is based in production and demand. But advertising does not limit itself to just full fill demands, it has become by itself a very powerful industry with a huge economic potential.
Advertisement has become the most noticeable social cultural phenomenon in this new era.
Its influence is noticeable in the high levels of consumption. This industry has also become a way of socialize between kids and teenagers. A clear example of this could be the internet advertising, which due to the novelty of it; most of the times escape from regulation.
This economic, cultural and social protagonism of this particular industry makes regulations even more necessary. If advertising plays an important roll in our lives, it is reasonable to be concerned about the regulations that must follow it.
In order to have a balance society we need regulations, otherwise anarchy would be ruling our lives. By this I mean that they must be some organizations watching and controlling what these big industries are doing. We do not want kids being the advertisement target for tobacco companies for example. And of course we cannot relay in auto regulations because they will not be used when they get in the way of profits, so external regulators are truly necessary.

The job of some of the regulators in the UK is to ensure ads are legal, decent, honest and truthful by applying the Advertising Codes. In other words they make sure and control that the laws are being respected in the advertising industry. Some of the independent and most influential regulators in the UK are: OFCOM, Copyright holders and ASA

Business Idea


My business creative idea is
an advertising company which
makes advertisement for entertainment corporations. The company focuses
in advertise music events, corporative events, brand launches, among others.
Our mission statement is:
"Happy Clients= Happy Company"
We put the client first, we focus on giving
the best service in order to make our clients happy and satisfied with our work.