miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Advertising vs Film/Performance Arts

Comparing the advertising industry with the film/performance arts industry is a very interesting thing to do. I worked together with Claudia Jimenez in order to share and obtain information about this amazing industry.
The performing arts are so strongly related to the advertising industry that it makes it harder to think of them in a separated way. So to make it easier I organized them in a comparative list.

Performing arts Industry:
• Artists work in ads
• Artists promote themselves trough advertisements
• Artists can become "the faces" of a brand thanks to advertisements.

Advertising Industry:
• Uses films and actors to promote their
clients products.
• Artists are use as advertisement devices.

These two industries complement each other in a very efficient way. They both need from each other to achieve their goals in a more proficient way. As actors need to promote themselves, the advertising industry also needs actors to promote their clients products. This is a very competent way of doing advertising.
As they are both really important and strongly related I could not find any relevant difference besides the obvious ones like the way they work or the fact that they are different industries.
These two industries have a lot in common and of course convergence plays an important role in here.
Convergence is and it will keep affecting these creative industries. Movies for example will have an even higher technology and as a consequence of this, advertisements will have to find the way of keeping it up with the film industry. The ads will have to change to be displayed with that technology. But this is nothing new, we are already experiencing this. A great example could be the 3D movies, which were not that common a couple of years ago, but now they seem to be the new trend and it is amazing.
Convergence will keep on bringing continuous improvement to every industry. No industry would like to stay behind the new trends. The world is continuously evolving therefore industries must too.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Advertising PRO convergence:

Human beings and everything that surrounds him has evolved as well as advertising.
Advertising has not waste time on this. The advertising industry has been changing due to the convergence. This industry had to follow the new trends in order to maintain their business. So when we think about convergence it is inevitable to talk about the most influenced industry, advertising.
The advertising industry has been victim of convergence through the time, since the evolution of media this industry had to change and adapt to new media forms in order to achieve their goal.
It has gone to only printed ads to online and personalized ads. Nowadays we live surrounded by ads. But this not necessarily means that the old ways of adverts will disappear. We will still count with printed ads for example. Like energy, the old ways of advertising won’t disappear, rather they will be transformed. Yet even the most advance way of advertising still has the basic and primitive elements.
But when talking about convergence questions like: will convergence make creative industries more or less diverse? Might come up. Well in my particular opinion I do not think that convergence has anything to do with diversity or segregation. The first responsible of segregation are the conglomerates, not change.
Changing and evolving only leads to good and more efficient ways for this industry.
Convergence is an inevitable factor in our lives and society and as a powerful industry it has to adapt to any new media form in order to have a profitable industry.